
BKC:   Crisis at the Oder

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

After their very succesful offensive at the Vistula mid January 1945 the russian army pushed ahead to the Oder. First units reached it at the end of January and could establish first bridgeheads.

But extended supplylines and the open flanks when stopped the offensive and the germans could establish a new defensiveline at the Oder and Neise rivers.

Until their last offensive at mid April  there was a constant struggle as the russians tried to build new brideheads and the germans tried to destroy them.

Küstrin and Frankfurt/Oder are the biggest cities at the Oder and with a solide garnison should be hold to the last.


At 22th March 1945 russians started a stronger surpriseattack to destroy the german bridgehead at the eastern side of the Oder south of Küstrin and later encircle the whole town.  But the germans had also planned some offensive actions and therefore the tanks of 25th german Panzergrenadierdivison very quick arrived for a counterattack!


The OOB shows what is said sometimes but hard to believe. At this stage of the war the russian moloch had a serious lack of infantry! It now was a technical army with a very heavy artilleryforce and strong tankunits. But they had lost a lot of infantry in the battles before. Now everybody who could carry a gun was pressed into service without any education. Just learning by doing if you survive the first fights.


I´m using the OOB of the Talonsoft scenario nearly 1:1 and the whole heavy tankregiment has just 1 company of submachinegunner and one engineerplatoon for close support. The 220. motorised rifles will arrive at an other place.


That could be a problem as german infantry is well entrenched and has panzerfausts and know how to use them!














 All units are at platoonlevel!


I always have to forget something! The russian motorised artillery are 76 mm fieldguns!




The Map


 This is the so called "Oderbruch". A rather flat ground. The highest evulations are just 10 m over level. Therefore woods block sightings to and from this "hills".

The trees along the roads represent alleys but also block sighting.

The german infantry and also the vehicles in the frontline are dug in. There are two concrete bunkers with 75 mm atguns.







Here we can see the german defence in the south. 1. and 2. Company PzGReg 128 and the southern bunker with the 75 mm atg.




Turn 1 Russians


FAC failed but FAO again calls in fire at the southern bunker with the 75mm pak. Should this be the same fellow from Vilnyus? But the fire shows little results.

SU regiment got no orders. 

I did split the heavy tanks in two groups. 1 HQ with 6 JS-II and the CO with the other 9 and the Submachinecompany. HQ got 1 and the CO  2 orders.




67. Guards heavy tank regiment deploying for attack. From top 1.,2. and 3. company commanded by the CO. With them the 220. smg company still mounted. On bottom 4. and 5. company commanded by HQ and a little behind.




Turn 1  Germans


HQ I/128. gave orders to the 3 Bisons firing at the trucks with the mounted submachinegunner. Got two orders but fire not so well but all forced to dismount after hits and one truck destroyed at the second salvo but passengers had already dismout after first round.

When HQ rolled a blunder!  Rolled 5 "Open Fire!".

The basic plan for the german infantry was to let the tanks come in close to catch them with the panzerfausts and now this crazy fellow ordered to open fire!!

Now I was lucky that one unit was suppressed and some had no target in range to fire at but 4 units fired!

Fire had no effect against the JS-II. Two infantry shot at the recce with a better chance but only 2 hits and both saved!

All other HQ´s failed their orders!





Turn 2 Russians


Russian CO is smiling. Germans are starting to panic! FAC calls in a IL-2 and bombs falling down on the unlucky panzergrenadiers. FAO fails his command but Heavy SU regiment and two companies of mot. rifle arrive in the northern sector and with 2 orders started an perfect attack.

When CO let the JS-IIs speak. With only one order all spotted infantery was killed (2 infantry- and 2 mg-platoons)!







Turn 2 Germans


Again the Bisons fire 2 times at the smg and kill one and suppress the rest. The 251/9 also shot one salvo at the engineers with 2 hits without a  suppression. Now all the german tanks arrive!

But situation still looks bad in the southern sector!









Turn 3 Russians


The russian warmachine now perfectly runs. At least in the southern sector. Airattack, artillery fire supressing the german HQ  and when the russian Tank-HQ even rolls a double 1 and when first JS-II break into the german trenchline. A few units fire their panzerfaust in oppertunity fire and suppressing 2 tankunits but it are to many and they kill the panzergrenadiers.

Co also gets orders and when are all JS-II in close range to the grenadiers! Nearly whole battalion got whiped out with at all 4 orders.

In the nothern sector nothing happens and the last russian reinforcement also didn´t  arrive.

But in the south the german defence is  nearly destroyed.








Turn 3 Germans



German PzIV securing the right german flank together with tankhunters as german defence in the south has collapsed. Some surviving  251 retreating by initiative as their HQ is still suppressed.

Now HQ II./128th PzG rolls a blunder and grenadiers leaving their trenches and retrating back while the Pantherbattalion is advancing on top of the hill to engage the russian SU-regiment.

Russians shoting opportunity fire and suppressing 3 panthers. Remaining Panthers returning fire and killing 2 SU-76. But at all only 1 SU ready to fire in the next turn!








Turn 4 Russians



The FAC calls in an airattack at the panthers and a rocketloaded Stormovik make an exact positioned attack! 4 panthers supressed after that,  trucks and armoured cars burning! The FAO also called in fire at the Pakbunker but had big derivation. After that the russian Tank-HQ made two orders and 2 companies of JS-II advancing. 

But when the russians failed all commandrolls!







Turn 4 Germans



With the CO and a lot of other units suppressed by the airattack the germans couldn´t do much! Bison fire one time at the advancing  russian infantry and some tankfire resulting in the kill of the last SU-76 and one JS-II suppressed by one hit.

Not the way to stop the attack, but only 2 HQs got one order each.





Turn 5  Russians


No great russian action in  this turn.  No airactions- Artilleryfire but with no effect. SU- Regiment in firefight with the panthers and with 2 orders could suppress 4 and also 2 JS-II fire at the panthers and nearly killed one (survived with 5 hits and suppressed). The last reinforcements arrived and mass of the JS-II now advancing to the last german defenceline with Pz-IVs and jagdpanzer.







Turn 5 Germans


Not much happens this turn. Bisons and 251/09  fired again against russian infantry and forcing a lot down. Two  Reserveplatoons firetheir panzerfauts at JS-IIs. One platoon was instantly

killed by op-fire but the second could fire a second time and first JS-II is burning!

But when rolled a blunder 2 with the HQ. CO got one order and the last unsuppressed Panther fired at a Su-85 and nearly killed it with 4 hits.






Turn 6 Russians



No airactions and the FAO rolls a blunder! The first russian blunder and counterbattery fire suppressing all guns.

Russian Tank-HQ gets 3 orders and two companies of JS-II fire at the german tankline along the Reichsstrasse 1 killing one PzJgdIV and one PzIV and supressing and forcing another two back.

The newly arrived reinforcements in the north advance with one order and the SU-Regiment fire at the panthers again, suppressing only one and when get themself all supressed  by op-fire.




Turn 6 Germans


The german Pz-HQ did send the rest of the PzIVs and last JgdPzIV to the Reichsstrasse to stiften the defence. Only one order so they just go into position.

German guns firing one salvo at the mounted russian infantry. Killing one truck with passengers and forcing two to dismount.

When panthers firing at the SU´s and killing two SU-85 and suppressing the JSU-122.

When Co rolls a blunder No.1 but with no effect. Just the fourth german blunder to say it by the way.

But the Pantherbattalion now have nearly whiped out the whole Su-Regiment without any own  loss!








Turn 7  Russians


 No air but artillery again. Overshoting the panthers and hitting the panzergrenadiers in reserve. A few trucks burning.

When russians get 3 orders with their at last arrived group and the MG-company disembarks at the german flank and the two SU-57 managed to destroy a Panther.

But all JS-II got no orders at all!







Gameturn 7 Germans



Fire of bisons and 251/9 falling at the advancing russian infantry at the northern sector and forcing some done. When all guns attack the two opentopped SU-57. But only 2 hits each and no suppress!

Tank-HQ let the Pz-IV and JgdPzIV fire at the JSII. But only one order and rather luckely suprressed 3 with less hits.

When CO let the Panthers speak. 3 orders and even the big beast (JSU-122) and the nasty little SU-57 are burning and one JS-II is rather barking with already 6 hits.

At all a rather well turn for the german defender. Now all SUs (8) are destroyed and also 5 JSII suppressed next round!







Game-Turn 8  Russians


Just turn 8 and that means the last turn of the game! The russian attack has lost a lot of its starting power.

In the north the infantry has lost all of its supporting armour, while in the south the tanks have been seperated from their infantry who is much behind and their is no HQ to bring them ahead again.

The russian player decided to carry on the attack with the infantry forces.  The FAC calls in a Stomovik mit rockets but the attack started to short and hits also a russian infantryplatoon. The FAO failed to commit the artillery. Only the infantry in the north got one order and the Tank-HQ also one. 3 JSII moved  to the hill there the  bisons had a reverse position. Two reached it and one got suppressed by opp-fire. CO failed commands.







Game Turn 8 Germans


With victory in hand German Commander decided to do nothing! Just opening the bottles!

German losses had been also rather heavy. Infantry suffered most. The german armoured forces did rather well in at least delaying the attack.

But don´t forget that the russians still have 14 JS-II!

The game shows how hard it is to destroy this late war  heavy tanks und SU´s. The JSU-122 with its 8 hits and save 4 was nearly undestroyable.   Had a fight with one and it had received already 7 hits and with the third order of the CO again 2 panther were shooting with 6 attacks (short range) each at it.  Result was just the needed 1 hit and nearly it had survived!





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