
BKC- French Counterattack 1940

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

 French Counterattack 1940


This was the second game in a little campaign. The first game was a german assault which the german won. Now it is a french  counterattack.


After their succesful breakthrough the german Kampfgruppe have to resupply!


The german infantry are in a security line while the armoured group is refuelling, when suddenly a strong french taskforce arrives out of the blue and instantly attacks the german troops!





1x CO (CV10)

1x HQ (CV9)

1x Recce (SdKfz 232 6-rad)

6x Infantry

2x Support (MG)

1x Support (Mortar)

2x Pz-I

5x Pz-35/38t

2x Pz-III

1x Pz-IV(short)

2x AT (37mm)

2x SPAT Panzerjäger I

2x Transport (Truck/Half-Trucks 


(900 points/ Breakpoint 12)




1x CO (CV-8)

4x HQ (CV-7)

1x FAO (CV-6)

2x Recce (Motorcycles)

12x Infantery

3x Support (MG)

2x Support (ATG, 37 mm)

2x Support (Mortar)

5x Light tank (R-40)

3x Medium Tank (S-35)

3x Medium Tank (Char B1 bis)

2x Antitank (25 mm Portee)

3x Artillery (105 mm)

2x Transport Unit (Horses)


(1495 points/ Breakpoint 16) 















The germans react quick and send their armoured units  to a hill, while the french further advance! The german infantry from the woods also advance to the little village in the center but get caught by french artilleryfire killing or supressing the units. 







The Germans closing in with  their tanks to get max. firepower. A  little risky but its works. A lot of tanks burning but the french have lost their heavier tanks and also reached their breaklevel and failed their first test! 






At all a nice game done by webcame.

French player Mr. Michael Carmichael alias "NJ2Munich".

German player Mr. Karl-Heinz Kaiser alias "Panzer-Kalle".


I thank Mikel for sending me the very nice pictures!

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